Thursday, April 1, 2010

In my hoop

Georgia - I seem to have lost my embroidery mojo lately, but I did start this a couple of nights ago. A very sweet little pattern - can't remember who designed it though. ;-)

 Nicole - It's such a dark rainy day here so the picture is not very good, sorry about that!. Anyway this is the Fish & Bird embroidery I'm working on. I use the wood grain print on the fabric to 'make waves' and 'clouds'. Lot's of filling to do but I'm not in a hurry :)


  1. Such a good idea to use the woodgrain! I love the colours you're using in the sea.
    I would be tempted to do it all in french knots like your original dotty drawing.

  2. I actually had the same french knot idea. Maybe I will make a second one just using french knots. For the sea I'm using a variegated floss (greenish) some golden yellow for the reflection of the moon and some blue to fill the bits where there is no green or yellow.

    Can I just say that your embroidery looks awesome. Wish the person who made the pattern was as neat a stitcher as you are!

  3. both very beautiful the idea of using a textured background now theres a reason to go material shopping :)


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