Monday, March 8, 2010

At 11:00am today...

Georgia - Pegging out the washing.
Nicole - Just put my wash in the washing machine, now drinking coffee and I'm trying to get some embroidery done. :)


  1. It's funny how we all do our domestic work, no mather where in the world we live...
    But to put a little crafting in between is definitely my choice too. :))
    Have a lovely day both of you. :))

  2. Almost the same then, because I had a coffee waiting for me when I got back inside too (and it was even in a polka dotted mug!). :-)

  3. Thanks Ulla!
    Yes we do like a bit of polka dots don't we, I also have the same mug in red. :)

  4. oops that was me speaking there, I forgot to log out and log in under my account!


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